Please join us for the 2024 UMCA Golden Trowel Banquet.
Regular member registration is now closed. We now have a waitlist. Please contact Liz Graves if you wish to be added to the waitlist.
Westin- Southlake
1200 E State Hwy 114,
Southlake, TX 76092
Happy Hour: 6:00
Dinner and Awards: 7:00
Afterparty- Hotel Bar.
Sponsor the Event:
We need sponsorships to make an incredible event like this happen. Please consider being a sponsor. Click here to become a sponsor.

Thank you to our generous sponsors.
Bar Sponsorship
Blackson Brick
Reception Sponsorship
Cisco Supply
Selfie Station Sponsor
MDM Scaffolding Services, Inc
Pen Sponsor
Acme Brick Tile & Stone
Badge Sponsor
VIP Tables
Advanced Architectural Stone
Dee Brown, Inc.
DMG Masonry x 2
Oldcastle- Amerimix
Skinner Masonry x 2
Smith Custom Masonry
Southern State Rebar
Vaden Plastering & Masonry
Architect Judge Sponsor
TBP - Texas Building Products
Contractor Judge Sponsor
MD Metalworks, LLC
Architect Sponsor
Kirby Specialties
Architect Award Sponsor
BESCO - Building Equipment & Supply Company
SBS - Structured Building Solutions
Contractor Award Sponsor
Atlas Roofing
Lehigh White Cement Company
Architect Award Sponsor
BESCO - Builders Equipment & Supply Co.
SBS - Structured Building Solutions
Spectrum Cement Products
Commemorative Brochure Sponsor
Air-Tite Foam Insulation
EZ Scaffold
Spec Rents
Dinner Menu
Brazos Masonry
Continental Cut Stone